Digital Art

Digital Art category contains a collection of Premium Quality Prints (Reproductions) of paintings, that are available for sell. This is a type of visual art that is made by means of a computer. In the creation process, the artists uses computer simulated brushes. For example, pencil, watercolor, oils, etc… and paints on screen using a digital pen and tablet. The common software that I use are Adobe Photoshop, and Flash.

I think that Digital art are very joyful in spirit. Due to a beautiful large range of colors, and also the kind of smooth texture effect that I can achieve when mixing them together. It usually allows me to be more precise. As a result, I strive to a kind of graphic perfection. I enjoy creating imaginary characters this way.

You should know that in Rotekita Art Shop, I select the collections very carefully. Therefore, I only include paintings that have artistic nature to them. They are meant to inspire and trigger the imagination. The scenes can be dreamy, or have a kind of movement, and also a visual story to tell the viewer.

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